Division of Archives and Library of the Diplomatic Institute

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) 

“Project Refugees, Migration and Holocaust (1936-1945)”


The Diplomatic Archives and Library Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MNE) is the entity that coordinates the Project “Refugees, Migration and Holocaust (1936-1945): Visa Collection of the Diplomatic Archive and the Photographic Collection of the Portuguese Red Cross” financed by the FCT, under the National Program on the Memory of the Holocaust.

This project focuses mainly on the archival treatment, digitization, study, and public dissemination of an important collection for the study of the geography of migration, refuge, and the Jewish diaspora during World War II.

This project focuses mainly on the archival treatment, digitization, study, and public dissemination of an important collection for the study of the geography of migration, refuge, and the Jewish diaspora during World War II. It also includes information about the course of action of portuguese consuls and the lives of refugees in Lisbon, portrayed by the Portuguese Red Cross.




Universidade Nova de Lisboa’s Repository (RUN)

RUN – Universidade Nova de Lisboa’s Repository collects, stores, manages, preserves and promotes open access to the scientific and academic production of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. It contains theses, dissertations, book chapters, articles in national and international periodicals, among other outputs




National Sound Archive

The National Sound Archive has the mission of developing all the actions necessary to create an archival structure focused on sound documents.

The object of the archival structure will be the sound recorded on any support, system, or format known today or to be invented.

The main function of the structure will be the creation, assembly, cataloging and access to audio documents, produced in any field of practice (artistic, scientific, documentary) and geographically proven. The structure will deal with the incorporation, management, preservation, availability and use of a collection of sound documents and related materials. Its objective will be to ensure preservation for the future and universal access to the sound documents that are under its tutelage.