ROSSIO is part of INNO – Social Innovation Center

Last April 23, we received at ROSSIO’s headquarters, the visit of the President of CCDR LVT, Dr. Teresa Almeida, the Rector, Doctor João Sàágua and Vice-Rector, Doctor Luís Baptista, for a brief presentation about the project, co-financed by POR Lisboa 2020.

This official visit took place following a series of inaugurations, specifically of NOVA Smart Campus Living Lab and INNO, Center for Social Innovation, which emerged with the goal of gathering and dynamizing at Colégio Almada Negreiros the knowledge and resources existing in NOVA University.

One of the projects that integrates INNO is the ROSSIO Infrastructure that allows open and intuitive access to any citizen of high-quality digital resources that will contribute to the internationalization of research and teaching and to the promotion of innovative uses of the contents of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities.

ROSSIO is an important technological resource of NOVA for society, directly serving citizens and, thus, society and its collective memory. Anyone interested in knowing more about their culture and heritage in Portuguese language will find a virtual research environment, digital collections and virtual exhibitions in open access.

The INNO – NOVA Center for Social Innovation, which is a Technology Transfer and Valorization Center (CVTT in Portuguese), brings together the efforts of the various research units, laboratories and infrastructures that contribute directly to social innovation and it will serve as an interface between the University, companies and social organizations.


Video and image credits: NOVA